National skills competition Taitaja
Taitaja is a showcase for vocational education and training where you can get to know dozens of professions. At Taitaja, tens of thousands of visitors can attend not only the Finnish Championship but also the Taitaja9 final, seminars and various additional events.
Through the Taitaja Finnish Skills Championship, we are able to bring together actors in vocation education and training across the country, from students to top-level management. Taitaja is open to all students in vocational education and training, including those in need of special assistance. Nearly 2,000 students in vocational education and training participate in the semi-finals annually.
Taitaja is a stage for vocational education and training, where those planning their educational path are presented with attractive vocation education and training options. There are nearly 50 skill categories to compete in, five of which are TaitajaPLUS categories meant for professionals in need of special assistance. The competition's tasks are based on vocational upper secondary qualifications and the needs of working life. International guest competitors and other guests also participate in Taitaja.
Skills Finland is in charge of the event’s long-term development. Taitaja is organised by a different provider of vocational education and training every year. Dozens of education providers around Finland participate in organising the semi-finals. Taitaja is a national event, but also a regional targeted attack on increasing the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training.
Next Taitaja event will take place on 5–8 May 2025 in Turku, Finland.

Competition Manager
+358 46 875 2763

Special Needs Advisor (part-timer)
+358 40 319 3354